Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» First in importance on everyone's list must be LIFE. Without it nothing else matters. What is the second most important thing on YOUR list?
Health - hard to be alive but feel ill and be unable to do anything.
It reminded me of Maslow's hierarchy of needs - at the bottom are things like food and water but he maintained that once we have those we have spiritual needs like feeling loved and having good self-esteem and being the best us we can be. He maintained that without these things then life isn't something we appreciate and it can even make us ill - mentally or physically.
Thank you so much for your splendid reply m'dear and the graphic. First we have to survive. Everything else comes next. I note though there is nothing there about hate or fear or needing to be "better than" or having "more than" and having power over others. Everything there is POSITIVE. But some must need all the negative we see else why would we hate, fear and war with one another and kill one another? I'm going to ask a question about that and I will give you attribution for the Maslow graphic without naming you. You'd think Maslow would have another hierarchy covering that! Ignoring the negative doesn't make it go away sad to say. ((hugs))
This post was edited by RosieG at April 11, 2019 3:18 AM MDT