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Are Bitcoins a Technocrat's first step in taking over the world?

Oh, they've already done that.

Posted - August 30, 2016


  • I'm a Bitcoinionaire. 

      August 30, 2016 5:40 PM MDT

  • 275

    That's what Libertarians try to claim, but it's really just a way to buy kiddie porn. 

      August 30, 2016 5:44 PM MDT

  • 17541

    I don't even know what a bitcoin is.

      August 30, 2016 7:32 PM MDT

  • 411

    I thought it was a step to get financial independence from banks and corporations.

      August 31, 2016 1:24 AM MDT

  • Ok. Who "understands" Bitcoins? Technocratic Computer Brain Superiors. Your average person is not using them and doesn't know anything about them or how they work. It is a way for a DIFFERENT group to gain power. It is based on a certain level of intellectual power gaining power over the average human. It is about genetic engineering and eugenics. The Technocratic Transhumanists with Computer Brains want to rule and replace the "average" with themselves and their computers and iPhones.

      August 31, 2016 4:53 AM MDT