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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Better than" no longer exists. We are all exactly EQUAL in every way. Competion disappears with no "winners" possible. What would happen?

"Better than" no longer exists. We are all exactly EQUAL in every way. Competion disappears with no "winners" possible. What would happen?

Intellectually physically spiritually emotionally. EQUAL. Great news or devastating to you because you need desperately to be "better than" others and you need everyone to know it and acknowledge it or life just isn't worth living. So?

Posted - April 19, 2019


  • 46117
    Only a Libertarian thinks that imbecilically.  
      April 19, 2019 12:42 PM MDT

  • 6023

    There would still be discrimination - based on jobs.
    Sort of like the discrimination present among kids, based on what activity they belong to.

    Actually, we have that discrimination already.
    Most people think a doctor is "better" than a janitor - just because of their job.
    But do the doctors clean up the operating room, so it's sanitary for the next patient?  No.  The janitor does.

      April 19, 2019 1:01 PM MDT

  • One of the many traits of humans is the desire to be more, have more, strive for more. Out here in the real world, there is a need to excel, to surpass the efforts of others. to have much more than the other guy. If we were all identical, what a boring place the world would be. Human nature being what it is, we don't have to worry about it. 
      April 19, 2019 4:16 PM MDT

  • 5391
    Fake news. I’m far too old to fall for that regressive narrative. 
    We are NOT equal in every way, in fact, equality seems less a rule than the exception. It doesn’t take a great deal of reasoning to see why.  

    Some people are clearly more intelligent, some are just as clearly less so; some are cowards; some are geniuses, some are warriors. Some can’t tell a lie, others can’t tell the truth; and still others can’t tell the difference. Some help people and others prey on them. 
    Wence cometh equality?
      April 19, 2019 7:07 PM MDT

  • 6098
    From God's love for all the creation. 
      April 19, 2019 8:01 PM MDT

  • 5391
    While that is a generous sentiment, OG, it misses the point of the question.
    I have 5 children, while I certainly love them all equally, they are not equal in every way. They have different strengths and weakness, different desires and talents, different ways of addressing the world. This is a good thing, and we are missing the point to paint everyone the same. 

    The god ideal fills a need for those who choose to go that route, please don’t proselytize to me. I don’t entertain beliefs in the fantastical. 
      April 20, 2019 2:26 AM MDT

  • 113301
    WHAT IF is implied DB. You are reacting as if that is what exists. It is not a regressive narrative in fantasy. WHAT  IF there were no hate? WHAT IF we all actually did love our neighbors as ourselves. WHAT IF we supported and applied the golden rule? WHAT IF we were all kind. So your reply is in response to a question I did not ask. SIGH. Fake news? Fantasy and WHAT IF isn't news so how can it be fake? I'm gonna ask.
      April 20, 2019 2:01 AM MDT

  • 5391
    No Rosie, it is in direct response to exactly what you asked.
    This proposition would not be good news, or even news at all because the premise is an utter impossibility, absent some delusion or unimaginable restraint on our nature.
    No competition, nothing to win? What would we strive for? Competition makes us stronger, gives us goals, and I for one don’t desire a preset, homogenized world absent a chance to rise above our beginnings. Nor should any sentient person, IMO.

    We can “WHAT IF” every stripe of societal perfection we can imagine, like world peace, but bringing any version of it into existence will not be perfection to everyone. Who decides what is The Right Way, whose version of equality are we engaging? Are they equal too?
    Reads like communism. 
    Surely you must realize the overwhelming dictatorship that would be necessary to enforce such a world. The whole premise therefore becomes one of castes. The people who would be equal are those who accept suppression of their identities by others who run the show.  
    I suggest a read of Kurt Vonnegut’s short story, “Harrison Bergeron“. 
      April 20, 2019 3:13 AM MDT

  • 6098
    No.  Equality as an American ideal means that because God Loves all of us we all should have the freedom to make what we can of our lives by our own doing.  Means we are all neighbors and demonstrate our love of God by loving and helping each other.  It comes from the fact that despite our differences in abilities, education, achievement, ethnicity, philosophies, religions, appearance, beauty, industry, we are all loved by God. 
      April 19, 2019 8:35 PM MDT