Don't know if you ever watch "Hollywood Medium". The last episode had a segment with a cognitive scientist who hooked the Medium up to a monitor by placing weird-looking headgear on his head. We saw the map of the brain in its natural state. Then later as he (Tyler) was giving a reading the changes in the brain was more than significant. It was extraordinary.
In the trance or whatever it is that comes over him the photo of the brain was all red. Now the brain at rest in its normal state had tiny little places of red but nothing that significant. So a change did occur in him during his readings that was absolutely astonishing.
What would that look like if we could have our souls mapped? Evil souls would surely appear to be very different from gentle souls normal souls kind souls good souls. Use THAT as a test of presidential worthiness.
Would you be willing to have yours mapped? This is a WHAT IF question. WHAT IF?