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Do you like your cursor to move fast or slow?

my cursor is on meth.

Posted - August 31, 2016


  • 3375

    Fast.  Drives anyone that borrows my laptop nuts.

      August 31, 2016 9:05 PM MDT

  • 411


      August 31, 2016 9:37 PM MDT

  • 2465

    It all depends.  Sometimes I'm in the mood for my cursor to go veeeeery slow.  In order for the cursor to move, it requires my touch in key areas.  A touch so slow it’s as if it’s memorizing the feel of each key as they slightly touch the tips of my fingers in a deliberate, but delicate fashion, gliding across each area with easy and gentleness.  Only just enough thrust is applied to ensure it will respond with positive results.  I demand each one to comply while it sits back with complete patience waiting with anticipation my return.  I will respect and provide but in return I demand willingness, accuracy and compliance at any time of the day or night with no prior notice and no financial gain.  It’s there only for my satisfaction and in return receives my appreciation and a warm and forever home.

    Then other times I'm in the mood for my cursor to go very fast and it will feel the difference in pressure as my fingers push even harder while the speed of each stroke continues to increase.  It will feel the vibration, it's intense, but responds with each demand.  It can almost hear the heartbeat of its master the moment it touches the skin.  The pressure is intense for great lengths of time yet will lay in complete silence while awaiting further demands.  There are tremendous expectations as it knows accuracy is mandatory.  There are certain key areas that are used and at times abused more often than others yet realizes its purpose and submits.  Each stroke is planned merely seconds prior to physical contact. Once pressure increases and you reach maximum speed, climax will result.  Then a pause…..then silence, until the next time

      September 1, 2016 5:14 AM MDT