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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » WHAT IF you could know all there is to know by simply opening a door? Would you open it? Could you handle it? How do you know?

WHAT IF you could know all there is to know by simply opening a door? Would you open it? Could you handle it? How do you know?

In some ways I think it would make life easier but then again it might make life a lot tougher. Of course it's moot but well WHAT IF?

Posted - May 4, 2019


  • 14795
    In a way you can if you wish know so much if you have a mind to Rosie.... The soloution  been around since the invention of the written word and now with the invention of the computer and Internet if you mave the mind  interest and patience to study them.....
    I think it's impossible to remember every thing you see and read.....but saying that ,the human brain is amazing....
    When I was young there was a young Autistic Black Boy on the new on TV.......they showed him a photo of The Houses of Parlement and Big Ben the huge Clock for thirty seconds and he then drew it perfectly in minute detail  

    How do the huge whales ,dolphins ,sharks ,Turtles navigate the oceans Rosie and find their way back after so many years to where they then selves were born....
    Human brains are still in their infantsey really as most of our brains are not used.......

    If we don't wipe ourself out from pollution ,religious wars and greed ,who knows what it will become capable of doing......
    I even reckon that I could even  tie my own shoe laces now if I had any shoes with laces... :)D 
      May 4, 2019 5:18 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Very thoughtful analysis of possibilities D. 100 years ago we could never have dreamt we'd be where we are today electronically speaking. But as human beings? I'd say the rate of progress is very slow and in some ways there is no progress at all...there is a defiant digging in of heels to regress among some who fear what is to come. They are the ones filled with hate so great they are willing to murder others because of it. How can we change what we do if we are the same savages we always were who murder one other because we fear and hate? How do we mitigate them to access any possibility of changes for the better in us? You know the haters are proliferating at a frantic pace based on folks such as the  American sb prez promulgating it and promoting it and preaching it. What hope is there until and unless these monstrously evil people are eliminated?  SIGH. Happy Saturday to thee D!  :).
      May 4, 2019 6:32 AM MDT

  • 14795
    Like any disease ,it's almost impossible to wipe them out completly a parallel world who it might evern be deemed the correct thing to do to the poor and weak ....
    Its funny  though how all the  despots warlike nations like the Roman ,Persians ,Greeks ,Gengis Khan met thier match  in the end....
    Nature has its own way eradicating the most violent vicious creatures on this planet....Just look the Dinosaurs of yesteryear little rock was enough to wipe them out.....
      May 4, 2019 3:30 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I  suppose to everything there is a time D. I know there are good times and bad times and since January 2017 the United States has been living in its very worst times. The disease brought to us by the sb prez has now infected all three branches of gubment to the extent that they are no longer autonomous. He has hobbled them completely. How we get out of this mess I have no idea! Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday to thee!  :)
      May 5, 2019 2:58 AM MDT

  • 14795
    In your country he can't rein for every worst one more term and then you have to start over with another wealthy person.....
    Is there any president , prime minister who doesn't line his pocket while in power... 
      May 5, 2019 3:14 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Here's what I think sweetie The sb prez can do whatever he wants to do. He owns the judicial and legislative branches. They will do his bidding no matter how injurious to the country because they are already doing it. I wouldn't be surprised if the sb prez stays prez till he dies and then by right of succession his family will take over. Well I know that's quite a bit bizarre but I am so fatigued from the battle and what I see is his gaining power because many of the "people" don't give a sh** and in fact adore him for it. He is a crook a criminal a traitor and every day he sells us out to the enemy and his base adore him more and more. I have never seen the likes of it. He is killing us and they are thanking him for it. Go figger! SIGH. Thank you for your reply D!   :) ((hugs))
      May 5, 2019 3:23 AM MDT

  • 14795
    I don't read news papers much Rosie......They are all almost scripted just like the News on TV....
    We are all just puppets for the giant media companies to fool around with and dupe for their own personal gain..."
    Just look at Robert Maxwell to see how they all are once there shrouds of secrecy has been removed.... 
      May 5, 2019 3:32 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I distrust everything the sb prez and all his toady sycophants every day. They are all congenital compulsive degenerate LIARS. I believe facts and truth and good journalists who win award for investigative journalism TELL THE TRUTH. Some lie of course like those so-called supposed pretend fake phony FAUX NEWS folks though a couple there do touch on the truth occasionally. Sigh . Thank you for your reply D! :)
      May 5, 2019 4:58 AM MDT

  • 34959
    I guess you are unaware that Fox news gets journalism awards...
      May 5, 2019 7:10 AM MDT