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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Some gals are constantly changing their appearances. Hair color, hair style, weight, clothing. Others stay pretty much the same. Why?

Some gals are constantly changing their appearances. Hair color, hair style, weight, clothing. Others stay pretty much the same. Why?

Is it that some folks are never satisfied with their looks or they get bored easily while others settle in to a style and then forget about it? What causes the search/need for new in some while others very happily settle in and use their energies on other things but themselves?

Posted - May 5, 2019


  • 14795
    I dress and stay pretty much the same Rosie.....My dad has always loved the way I dress and my hair which was so much like my mothers and still is mostly....
    Its also been part of my meal ticket for the last thirteen years ,so it's hardly unlikely I will change it....
    Who I live with loves my har to....if I have it cut short or mess with it ,I will have my whole family on my back

    I don't fix things that aren't
      May 5, 2019 3:23 AM MDT

  • 113301
    ((hugs)) My hair is waist-length and I either put if back with a clip or do a side braid! I don't fix things that aren't broke either D! I LOVE that about you! We are decades apart and yet here we are...sisters under the skin. It constantly amazes me. I guess I amaze easily! Of course I was bald in 2008 due to the chemo and my hair grew back in CURLY! I was so excited! Something I had always wanted was naturally curly hair. But then it straightened out! At least for a brief moment in my life I had what I had always yearned for which is more than  some folks can say. Thank you for your nifty answer. Well you know any answer you give me is always nifty but I love being able to say to you ME TOO! :) So me too me too me too!
      May 5, 2019 4:02 AM MDT

  • 10770
    It's hard for us to understand other people.  We want them to "be" as we are; and when they aren't we can't understand why.
    We are all vastly different individuals.  As such we all have our own special idiosyncrasies.  Explaining each of these idiosyncrasies is impossible (can you explain all of yours?).  You could have 2 people who like to change their looks, and yet they both may have different reasons for it.

    Some people thrive on change.  To someone like myself who despises change, these people seem strange.  Yet at the same time, they may think I'm strange for not wanting change.  These are the people who create fads.
    Some people like being different.  These people may dress flamboyantly, wear "far out" hairstyles and/or jewelry.  We usually call these people rebels as they don't seem to want to go along with the "norm".

    Some people want to "fit in".  These people may change their looks in order to fit in with a certain person or group.  You may have seen people in their 60's sporting orange and red hair so that they feel "closer" to their grandchildren. 

    Some people refuse to "grow old".  They change their looks in a (vain) attempt to remain young.   they must get rid of al gray hair as they thnk gray hair makes them look old. 

    Some folks don't like change.  Their motto is "if it ain't broke why fix it?".  They'll wear the same clothes until they practically disentagrade.

    Some people like comfort.  They find a style they like and stick with it... even if that style is no longer in fashion.

    There are just a few examples.
      May 5, 2019 2:13 PM MDT