Yeah, that doesn’t exactly entice me to touch money. It‘s actually why I literally don’t use change or paper currency at all. Having my identity stolen 27 times in 10 years is a small price to pay.
Just because something falls to the ground, doesn't make it any more germy than any other amount of money you handle all day long. You gotta be kidding me. You let a twenty go because it was on the GROUND? I would pick it up if a dog crapped on it. With a tweezer. And go to the nearest McDonald's and go in the washroom and wash it OFF.
Just picking it up off the ground? I am totally blown away by your choice not to get your hands dirty, hands that are probably germier than that twenty.
Coincidently or ironically if you wish, I got on a almost empty subway train and by the opposite door there was a 20 dollar bill on the floor and sure as gold I took it. Even more bizarre is the fact that 3 weeks earlier, I myself had dropped a 20 dollar bill on the subway!! All true!
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at May 16, 2019 10:34 AM MDT