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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Society is WEIRD. You need a degree to practice law or operate on someone. You need a license to own a gun/drive a car. Being a parent?

Society is WEIRD. You need a degree to practice law or operate on someone. You need a license to own a gun/drive a car. Being a parent?

All ya gotta do to be one is "hook up" with a person having the opposite sex accoutrements you do and get preggers!

Now I ask you what more important job is there in the world? Why is society so a**backwards?  All animals can make babies if they partner up right. No big deal. Right? Boy it should be the BIGGEST deal. Screwy homo saps. You need a license to sell booze and I suppose to sell weed. Sigh. But making babies is free of charge, free of requirements, free of oversight, free of safety features. Any animal in heat is a potential parent.

Posted - May 21, 2019


  • 10768
    People are not taught.  And the ones who are don't listen.   If one is not taught, then they cannot pass that knowledge onto the next generation (and so forth)

    It seems that many people assume that when a child is born it's mind is at a college level.  For 30 years I watched people command their newborn as if it were a dog.  I watched "parents" (term used loosely) lecture their 1-2 year old child on the ramifications of something it did, in the style of a college thesis (complete with lofty sounding words).  I have watched "parents" refuse to tell their children the difference between right and wrong, and then justify themselves by saying that they want the child to figure it out on their own.  (gee, I hope he/she gets it right??)  I watched as these children grew up and did the same thing to their children.  I watched as child discipline disappeared altogether.  If a "parent" even threatens their child with not receiving a treat if they misbehave, some busybody will call CPS on them.  

    People love to breed, but they hate to take responsibility for their actions.  Making a child is easy; any fool can figure it out (as if quite evident in today's society).  However, raising a child is exceptionally difficult.   It takes time, hard work,and a lot of sacrifice.  And, whether they like it or not, those "parents" (whether married or not) will be parents for the rest of their lives (just can't "undo" it).  

    When one generation stops teaching the next how to be responsible parents to their kids, that next generation sure won't teach it to their kids (can't teach what you don't know).  When parents refuse to discipline their children, they become spoiled adults.   Hmmm.... kinda sounds like today's society.
      May 21, 2019 11:14 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I must take exception to a small portion of your reply Shuhak. My son knew what "suffice" meant at the age of three. I always talked to him as if he were an adult. I taught him how to read and write so at age 3 he could read and we got him a library card. Every week we went to the library. He loved to read so when he went to school he was an excellent student, eager to learn. I never talked down to him. I started reading Shakespeare sonnets to him when he was six months old. He sat in my lap. I would hold the book at an angle he could see and I would point out the words I was reading. Did he comprehend at that age? Of course not. But it became a pattern to him and slowly by slowly after I taught him the alphabet (upper and lower case) and read to him he began reading to me. He does have a genius IQ so that didn't hurt. But the point is that EVERY PARENT who gives a dam* can teach his/her child to read before attending school. That will give the child a love of learning. But parents are too lazy and selfish. They leave the educating to teachers who get the kids at age 6 by which time the brain is practically formed and rigid. I think we parents expose our children to things we want them to embrace. For me it was easy. I wanted him to love to learn as I did. We used to meander around the campus  of a local college picking up a leaf or a stone as a memento to take home. We'd go into empty college classrooms to absorb the ambience. Now how did that affect my child? He is chair of his department at the University of Hawaii on Oahu. Did how I purposefully raise him cause that? Maybe. He is very happy in his chosen profession. How much was due to him and  how much was due to me? I have no idea but it doesn't matter. Just sharing that with you because I think we write kids off as being "too young" to learn when in fact they aren't. It's just that we are too dam* lazy to bother with them. Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at May 22, 2019 10:11 AM MDT
      May 22, 2019 3:58 AM MDT

  • 10768
    I didn't mean everyone did this.  Just that while working I observed some "parents" doing this.  My nieces both treated their infants as if they had a college degree.  Not as in teaching them, but in communicating with them.  If a little baby drops its bottle, you dont stand there and give a 30 minute dissertation on gravitational forces, mucilaginous pathogens, and the proper metacarpal joint position for maximum retention of a polyethylene receptacle.  You pick it up and say, "don't throw your bottle".  

    My mom did the same things you did with us (only it wasn't Shakespeare, it was Dr. Seuss).  I fully agree that parent should teach AND interact with their children.  No waiting until they "figure it out for themselves".  No having others (ie. teachers) do it for them.  They "made" them so they need to take responsibility for them.
      May 22, 2019 10:35 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Quote: For 30 years I watched people command their newborn as if it were a dog.  

    This annoys me soooooo much, when I see it.
    I have a friend whose family constantly demands a 3-year-old to do "tricks" to entertain them.
    I love it when she obviously has enough, and just ignores them.  I even think she knows how I feel, since she'll give me a look that appears to say "Can you believe these idiots" before she just ignores them and does her own thing.  LOL
      May 22, 2019 11:52 AM MDT

  • 6098
    I would like to see "society" try to "authorize" or "license" sexual relations. This post was edited by officegirl at May 22, 2019 12:36 PM MDT
      May 22, 2019 12:35 PM MDT