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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » An honorable Justice System is our court of last resort. if ALL JUDGES ARE BOUGHT AND PAID FOR we are doomed. Are we there yet?

An honorable Justice System is our court of last resort. if ALL JUDGES ARE BOUGHT AND PAID FOR we are doomed. Are we there yet?

Posted - May 21, 2019


  • Conservatives hope for conservative judges and don't get them. They're learning to get along without them. Liberals love the courts but only when they follow their agenda to the letter. They have a love-hate relationship. It's really strange because when they hear of a law passed in Podunk, Iowa that they find disturbing, they're on the front porch of the court the next morning demanding redress. You'll never keep politics away from the bar. Who are the law makers? Attorneys. Who are the judges? Attorneys  Who are many governors? Former prosecuting attorneys. It doesn't mean that they're bought and paid for, although sometimes they are. 
      May 21, 2019 10:03 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I think you are asleep at the wheel SC. No disrespect intended. Since the sb prez took control of our country he has APPOINTED and the Senate has CONFIRMED DOZENS OF CONSERVATIVE JUDGES! The goal is to CONSERVATIZE all benches in every hamlet and every city and every state in the United States of America. SCOTUS is already skewed to 5-4 CON/LIB. Every red state Guv is conservatizing everything he/she can conservate.  So I am not sure what you are talking about. As a prodon person you should be dancing in the streets 24/7 for all the success he has had turning this country into a reflection of the worst instincts of homo saps. Thank you for your reply.
      May 22, 2019 3:46 AM MDT