Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Having OCD, being ADD or BiPolar(usta call it Manic-Depressive). Are they permanent conditions and can only be mitigted, not cured?
To some extent, yes, they are permanent. One can learn to mitigate some aspects of them, but their underlying cause will always be there. The human brain is extremely complex and no two are alike. Scientists may have a general idea as to where in the brain the "wires are crossed", and sometimes even why; but "curing" the situation maybe next to impossible.
I have OCD, and I would love to have it "cured" (it is SO annoying!!). Unfortunately, the best I can do is use the tools I learned in therapy (which dont always work) and learn to live with it.
There is a celebrity whose name I don't recall who has it. He said if the fringe on a rug isn't straight he is compelled to straighten it out. I think he also has a phobia about germs and so he washes his hands a lot and avoids touching doorknobs directly by using a cloth or something. It must be very frustrating Shuhak. How does yours manifest itself? I can't tolerate being late anywhere. I'd rather be an hour early and wait nearby so I will be on time than be even a minute late. I can actually get almost frantic and start to hyperventilate and I can't figger out why that is. I don't remember any incident where I was late to something and got punished for it. But I can't control it so maybe I am OCD too? Thank you for your reply! :)
My OCD is that I must do everything exactly "perfect". If it's not done to "exact perfection", I will do it over and over and over and over until it is perfectly perfect - even if it kills me. The Upside to my OCD is that I'm very organized. This is the main reason why I had a model store when I worked. My niece has the OCD where everything must be perfectly arranged. A picture hung slightly askew, or books not arranged according to height will send her over the edge. Yet at the same time she's very disorganized. She can pile dishes in her sink willy nilly but the spices must be neatly aligned.