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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Some say the sb prez will take us to war to avoid impeachment. In other words he will sacrifice the lives of our troops to save his?

Some say the sb prez will take us to war to avoid impeachment. In other words he will sacrifice the lives of our troops to save his?

What kind of trade-off is that exactly? What kind of  ROI (return on investment) do we the people get for supporting his putting the lives of our children/grandchildren on the line to divert distract so he can golf and eat beautiful chocolate cake and travel?

An old man who fake bonespurred his way out of the military FIVE TIMES when there was a draft and it was his duty/obligation to serve in return for those brave PATRIOTIC troops who volunteer of their own accord  to serve their country?

You really think he is worth that?  You'd sacrifice the lives of YOUR CHILDREN to save his a**? Whoa.

Posted - May 26, 2019


  • All of the shrill hysterics from the mob will not produce one iota of hard evidence to gain a conviction against the president in an impeachment. All of this "saber rattling" is just so much fear mongering that the Dems love to spout in place of common sense solutions to every day problems. But the irresponsible love to screech and it shows us why truth doesn't have a snow ball's chance in Hell when it comes to Congress and its insidious machinations. I'm glad to see that you recognize that we have brave patriotic troop in the field, but to be truthful, they all knew the risks and dangers associated with military service when they volunteered. They probably resent being used as a weapon in someone's personal hate campaign against the Commander in Chief. As a veteran, I know I do. 
      May 26, 2019 1:31 PM MDT

  • 10766
    He's picking on Iran because (he thinks) it makes him seem tough.   Look at how he picked on N. Korea (until he and kimmy became best buds).
    Trump's response to impeachment is to stop cooperating with everyone until they stop picking on him. (He can dish it out, but he can't take it).  Real mature!
      May 26, 2019 1:40 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Baby blimp will never grow beyond his infancy.  He will probably regress enough to be come a fetus. Maybe he can get another whack at it in some other universe! Thank you for your reply Shuhak.
      May 26, 2019 1:53 PM MDT