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Don't usually brag but I have some BRILLIANT Answermug pals. Want an example?

One Answermug Pal suggests that Joe Biden RELEASE TRANSCRIPTS  OF HIS SCHOOL GRADES. He could then challenge the old codger draft dodger to do the same in the interests of TRANSPARENCY. It wouldn't matter if Joe wasn't a very good student. What WOULD MATTER would be his willingness to be forthcoming. Then let's see how the old codger draft dodger would react? Total silence because he is terrified of showing his grades or with a barrage of idiotic tweets? It could be fun. What could it hurt?

Posted - May 30, 2019


  • 6023
    I wouldn't be impressed with school grades, even if someone has a 4.0 - given that American schools lag behind the rest of the industrialized nations.

    And the grades wouldn't mean even less, unless they were from the same school and classes and year.

    I know kids attending my former high school who are getting A & B grades - who would have been lucky to get C grades when I attended.
    Which raises the question of: Were grades "too hard" back then, or "too easy" now?
      May 30, 2019 12:20 PM MDT

  • 113301
    That is not the point Walt. The willingness to release them is the point. SIGH. Thank you for your reply.
      May 30, 2019 12:37 PM MDT

  • 6023
    IMO, it would just be another "feel good" action that really doesn't MEAN anything.
    And we already have more than enough of that in government.

    I may be willing to release all photos of myself ... that doesn't mean they have any bearing on my qualifications for a job.
      May 30, 2019 1:14 PM MDT