Stupid Dumb is back in D.C. Remember "FREEDOM FRIES" when Congress boycotted FRENCH everything?
Now we got FREEDOM GAS. Who are we angry with now? Freedom rings true for the red white and blue for french fries and french gas? Sheesh. What bumbling idiot thought that one up?
I would say "I cahn't stend it" Walt but obviously I am as are you standing it. No matter the level of idiocy we witness we are still here shaking our heads wondering what new dumbheaded pronouncement will emerge from the gubment? Dumb and Dumber. Stupid and Stupider. Insane and insaner. Wackadoodly and wackadoodlier. Each day we open a box of chocolates courtesy of the old codger quintuple fake bonespur draft dodger. To what low will he go today? Thank you for your reply and the link and Happy Friday! :)