Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Many of us had aspirations/dreams/hopes when we were young. I wonder if anyone ever aspired to be a LIAR CON MAN SCAMMER BETRAYER?
It isn't limited to pols though m2c. You find them everywhere all the time conning and scamming and lying and cheating and attacking to get ahead and "punish" anyone who gets in the way. How do such people get to be that way? Are their parents cheaters and liars and betrayers and so they think that is the way they should be too? I don't understand today's world when the most rotten among us become the most powerful and the most corrupt among us are the most successful and honored and defended and protected and supported and applauded and adored. Crazy nutsy world. Weird. Queer. Peculiar. SIGH. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday to thy. You don't raise your kids to be liars cheaters hatemongers do you? Why do others do so and think they are doing right by their children when what they are doing is turning them into scumbags just like them?
This post was edited by RosieG at June 1, 2019 2:17 AM MDT
I wanted to be a con artist, at one point while I was growing up. But I decided it was too much work, and would only get more difficult as the internet grew.
Oh c'mon Walt! A con artist? The lowest slugs who lives in the scum and filth and spreads death wherever they go? I doubt that m'dear. Thank you for your reply! Good try! :)
You ARE teasing me are you not? On the other hand maybe you are deadly serious. But you know what? Guys are wired differently than gals. From caveman times the guy goes out and kills and brings home the food and the little woman keeps the homefires burning, raises the kids, cooks the meals and is less adventurous. So while I cannot imagine my "admiring" con artists/scammers maybe it's a phase boys go through like wanting to be a fireman or something. Ya think? I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday Walt! :)
It's probably partially due to the different "wiring" ... and my extensive reading. I've also wanted to be related to the Sacketts (from Louis L'Amour westerns) ... or a Space Marine ... or a Steampunk Scientist/Adventurer.
Also I'm a scairdy cat Walt. I left home at age 20 when I got married for the first time. My younger sister left home when she was 17 and got an apartment with a friend. Both had jobs. I would never have done that. Well maybe I would have if I didn't get married. But when I was growing up that's what we did. Leave home when we got married. It suited me. I guess I am not physically adventurous at all. I save my adventurous spirit for my thoughts and flights of fancy fantasy. I can't get hurt that way or disappointed or disappoint others. I have no one to measure things by but myself which I realize is very limiting. What I think I would have loved would to have been a Quantum Physicist but I am not nearly smart enough. I am so fascinated by it now without any background at all. I yearn to learn all about it and am drawn to any show about it. But that train left the station long ago! Thank you for your reply! :)
So "follow the money no matter where it takes you" seems to be the golden rule among such folks. SIGH. I wonder if they are born that way or "taught" to be that way? Why do so many people admire scoundrels and thieves and dare I say even butchers and murderous barbaric sob's? Weird that. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Saturday! :)
We all choose who or what we want to be. "A certain person" wanted to be those things you described in your question. It very well tells you of his atrocious unringing. We all are pawns of people like that. Nothing more and nothing less.
This post was edited by Zack at June 1, 2019 2:24 AM MDT
Do we really CHOOSE whom we are or is it chosen for us at the coupling of male/female and strictly a matter of biology Zack? What "normal" person chooses to be a scumbag? Seems way peculiarly queer if it is really a choice rather than a compulsion. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday to thy! :)