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Discussion » Questions » Travel » Heard recently on a commercial: what's the best part about your favorite movie? Visiting the places where it was filmed, of course!

Heard recently on a commercial: what's the best part about your favorite movie? Visiting the places where it was filmed, of course!

  While some (a few) people may consider that to he true, I doubt that the majority of people do.

  What's your opinion on that claim?

Posted - May 31, 2019


  • 6098
    Was that in a travel agency or travel web site ad?  Some people must be very place-oriented so if they see a movie or read a book they want to visit the place where the action took place.  Because it helps them enjoy the motion picture of book even more. Tourism.  And there is historical tourism - see the places where the American Revolution started or where the Boston Tea Party was conducted.  Where some famous author lives, how people existed in whatever times and places.  I have a friend who had visited every home the late author Jack Kerouac ever lived in.  He knocks on the doors and asks to see and convinces them to let him in.  

    I don't really care about that. For me a book or movie I enjoy exists as a complete work of art in itself.  Independent of where it was made or where it took place.  The completed work is the thing. If I enjoy it I might want to learn more about it but in no way would I attempt to deconstruct it.  Because that would sort of ruin the whole illusion of art.  

    The community where I live is a tourist site and daily there are often hundreds of them a block or so away from our house.  Which is great for local business - they need meals and places to stay and tours and often transportation. So I would not want to discourage anyone in such endeavours.  But I just don't participate in them. 
      May 31, 2019 7:36 AM MDT