Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Infantile Paralysis was "wiped out" years ago, right? Allegedly measles was wiped out in 2000 I think. So how could it come back if it were?
Infantile Paralysis was "wiped out" years ago, right? Allegedly measles was wiped out in 2000 I think. So how could it come back if it were?
So far as of yesterday, Friday, May 31, 2019 there have been 971 cases of measles. How in the he** could a disease that was wiped out almost two decades ago come back like that? Anyone?
They were not "wiped out", obviously. That's the sort of phrase that journalists and politicians love, but was it ever used by doctors and scientists in their genuine, original reports?
To exterminate a disease needs exterminating the micro-organisms responsible, and world-wide. Instead, the germs still exist but so many people became protected by direct vaccination and better health-care generally, that serious cases became very rare. Many people might have been affected but only so mildly that they thought it was touch of 'flu, and recovered fully and rapidly, because their bodies were already attuned to the germs so could raise the defences quickly and fully.
I suspect what's happening now is the result of a huge anti-vaccination scare.
The original, in the West, was a very poor piece of research by a British doctor, probably mis-reported by the Press to make it even worse; and though his paper was soon show plain wrong too many parents had already believed him and some continue to do so. His basic error was to conflate or confuse correlation and cause - a common mistake that can have very serious consequences.
In some countries, politico-religious extremists have turned against inoculation as a weapon against anything they see as "Western", or indeed anything educated. To them, a physically weakened and uneducated populace is an advantage, so children becoming paralysed by diseases like polio does not matter.
Now, even in some Western countries that like to think themselves populated by educated, intelligent people, we have seen a rise in anti-science and anti-medical campaigners pushing their own ideology for their own, unclear but selfish motives. Much of this is via the insidious use of anonymous "social media" posts encouraging herd-like, un-thinking behaviour.
There is also the simple point that describing a disease as "wiped out" may lead people to drop their guard and decide precautions against it are no longer necessary. "Controlled" would be a far better and accurate description.
Thank you for your extremely comprehensive informative and superduper reply Durdle. I appreciate the time you invested in giving me everything I need to understand what's going on. Do you think the folks who were brainwashed against vaccinations can ever become un or once washed is the brain useless because it loses all its stiffening? I'm gonna ask. Happy Saturday to you and thanks again! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at June 2, 2019 9:06 AM MDT
Most reasonably intelligent adults can change their minds to cast off what they were brainwashed into believing, but unfortunately there are many who seem to want to cling to rather than replace the herd's illogical or plain wrong beliefs.
It's not that they can't think again, but they won't.
Thank you for your additional reply Durdle and for the Happy Sunday. I think those folks who can think but refsse to think are just too dam* lazy personally. Thinking is hard work. You have to put time effort energy into it. Some prefer to cede their thinking to others so they can attend rallies and watch mindless "news disinformation shows"! Different strokes for the lazy folks! SIGH. If we don't learn from the past we are DOOMED to repeat it! What past is that? When did the world ever see anything remotely like the American sb prez? As if! :(
Saying that such diseases were "wiped out" was nothing but modernist rhetoric and advertising. The whole model of disease being "the enemy" that had to be "wiped out" resulted from erroneous, basically scientific thinking. Diseases are naturally occurring organisms which actually arise protect our bodies from the toxins we choose to put into them. So thinking in terms of "eradicating" them by bombarding them with only more extreme toxic chemicals will only weaken our constitutions more and render us more susceptible to other diseases protecting ourselves from those toxins. Most good health comes down to simply living and eating in accord with the seasons and our constitutions. When we depart from such simple wisdom we are naturally on our own as the more extreme we live and the more extreme and industrial food we consume the less our bodies are able to cope with their effects and if we are unwilling to alter our lifestyles and food choices we have no other alternatives than to seek medical and "health care" assistance and thus we become a tool of the "health care" industry. Which mat make us temporarily more comfortable but which only serves to make us more diseased and thus requiring more drugs or operations which of course earns them more money. But once we accept medicine as the authority we are turning our lives over to it and the more we accept it the less we are able to act for ourselves and so the more we become drawn in and dependent on medicine.
Err, right. For a start most inoculations use inactive versions of the pathogens, not "extreme toxic chemicals".
So you dislike modern medicine but what's the alternative? Would you not want to be treated if, God forbid, you contract some potentially fatal but curable disease? I know damn' well I would.
And I write as someone convalescing from a knee replacement operation. Would you rather I live out the rest of my days becoming steadily crippled, just to suit "simple wisdom"?
I trust you are able to make your decisions for yourself. Please allow me the same freedom. Life I guess is an incurable disease and I choose to live as much of it as well as I am able without resorting to drugs and operations which would lessen the quality of my life. I did not tell you how to live your life - I simply stated my own feelings.
Yes, I am free to live as I choose, and so are you. I hope indeed you do live a long and healthy life with little suffering at the end.
The aim of medicine is to try to maintain the quality of life as much as possible, but it does raise the awful quandary when someone is so ill they are clinging to existence only by continuous intervention. At least a knee or hip replacement restores some of what of what you had, and though convalescence is a long time, most who have had such operations are very pleased with them.
I have two friends with incurable illnesses, one with MS which can ultimately be fatal. The other has some form of dementia and is now in a care home. These are horrible conditions, and the most medicine can do is relieve them a bit. Though my friends are not yet so advanced with their illnesses, it is sadly very easy to look at one or two of the others in the home, in a far worse state and think, come on Nature, let them go quietly one night.
"Wiped out, eradicated, etc.---virtually speaking I suppose. This concept is probably meaningful for understanding what goes on:
There is a concept in science called “herd immunity,” which refers to the idea that a lot of people need to get a given vaccine, whether it’s for the flu or measles, to stop a disease from spreading. Vaccinated people essentially act as barriers to outbreaks, since diseases can’t pass through them and infect others.