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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Per the sb prez "the rest of the world has taken advantage of the United States". If true that means we're VERY DULL AND WEAK. Didja know?

Per the sb prez "the rest of the world has taken advantage of the United States". If true that means we're VERY DULL AND WEAK. Didja know?

How is it possible that THE GREATEST GENERATION (Per Tom Brokaw) came from a country that is so dull and weak the rest of the word has taken advantage of it? Does that make sense to you? How can both be true?''

Do you believe Tom Brokaw or do you believe the sb prez?

Posted - June 6, 2019


  • The man was stating a fact. It didn't happen overnight. Just as the "Greatest Generation" started here, it also ended here. We're as far removed from that group of folks as day is from night. We have deteriorated into something very dull and weak. We've become that way by giving away advantages and forfeiting a position of strength to determined and committed adversaries around the world. We've entered into economic and strategic treaties, pacts, deals and arrangements over the years that insure that we take a back seat and get the shaft over time. But, when you're dull and weak, you have a tendency to throw away good sense and sound judgement. The "greatest generation" reached maturity in the crucible of a worldwide economic depression and the fires and chaos of a world war which they overcame and emerged victorious. As that generation dies out, they take with them the last vestiges of sanity and reason (to say nothing of intelligence) that we'll know here. We may have technical knowledge but we lack the moral and ethical courage and understanding to use such with any wisdom. If the adversaries of our nation (many of which were born, raised and educated here) decide to hang us from the highest yardarm, it's because we've given them the rope and the permission, as well as the know how. As Alexander Pope once quipped, As the twig is bent so grows the tree. On this day, set aside to commemorate the Normandy landing, it's really interesting to note how much we've given away in the last seventy five years.
      June 6, 2019 8:44 AM MDT