Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do you find SIMPLICITY boring? Do you require twists and turns and reversals and secret compartments and surprises to keep you interested?

Do you find SIMPLICITY boring? Do you require twists and turns and reversals and secret compartments and surprises to keep you interested?

Posted - June 10, 2019


  • 10763
    Yes!!!  If a job doesn't peek my interest once in awhile, I'm "gone".  I'll even create my own "twists" in dull jobs just to make them tolerable.  If I didn't I'd go insane.  If there are just enough "twists" to make a job interesting, I find what I can do the job much quicker as opposed to if there weren't any.  Having too many "twists" also turns me off.  
      June 10, 2019 10:50 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I think we all configure our jobs to suit our strengths don't you Shuhak?  We take on additional responsibilities. We see ways of improving things and use them. Depending upon the company of course some will encouarge you to take the ball and run with it and others will tell you "it's always been done that way. If there a better way of doing it we'd be doing it". That's the place you need to move on from. But I was talking more broadly than one's job. I mean some live simple lives. Logical. Sensible. Reasonable. Honorable. Others complexify things by being liars and cheaters and betrayers and con artists. There are many more twists and turns in the life of a crumbum corrupt criminal than in the life of a law-abiding citizen. That's kinda where I was going in my mind with this question. The simple folks are straight shooters. Don't trick you. The complex folks have many sleazy alliances and motives and curves and twists and reversals. I think it's a lot hard to be a corrupt SOB than it is to be an ordinary honest person. I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      June 11, 2019 2:44 AM MDT