Yes. If we have done reprehensible things in the distant past we should not allow ourselves to be defined by them. If we do, we risk abandoning all standards in the present. It is better to be inconsistently good than consistently bad.
Hi Rev! Let me give you an example. HITLER. Would you say he is more than his attempts with some great success to exterminate the Jews? Of what value is that compared to what he will always be known for...genocide? I dunno. He may have been a loving friend but I can't see for the life of me how that would mitigate the heinous things he ordered. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday! Hope all goes well with you and yours mdear! :)
Agree. Because we are the sum of all we have done, and that includes the good.
I believe that for most people, the worst they've done is usually an aberration or a mistake - perhaps something done foolishly under extreme stress and usually something they regret and don't repeat.
Good morning bw. I'm going to reply to you with the same reply I gave the Rev. HITLER. He may have been a really swell guy when he was among friends/family. But that does not mitigate the heinous thing for which he will always be remembered. It seems to me that the profound evil he represented wiped away everything else. Granted I am using an EXTREME example but here is something even less extreme. Say someone tortures murders an entire family. But otherwise lives a "good" respectable life. Is that person good? Was that heinous deed an aberration or is that potential always going to be there lurking somewhere deep within? I think we are defined by how we treat others. Actions of course matter more than mere words. Someone is drunk as a skunk and kills someone while driving and drives off. HIT AND RUN. Otherwise lives an exemplary life. But he/she is someone who is a liar a killer and deceitful. Also a coward. That potential will always still be there. You do it once doing it again is easier. Maybe my view is too harsh but I don't believe in "extreme" unction. You can be an SOB your entire life but on your death bed you say you're sorry and all is forgiven? Not with me. Thank you for your thoughtful reply I wish I could agree with you but I am not that forgiving. Happy Thursday! :)