My wife was watching 16 And Pregnant I don't understand the whole concept of this show. I don't see what the point I think it was suppose to help decrease teen pregnancy but it seems to be increasing. For some reason I'm friends with my wife's friends on Facebook half I don't even know they all like this show too they also all had kids at a young age. My age is having our first baby in December we're not teens we're adults we got married first we did it the right way that doesn't happen much anymore. Some have kids then get married or some have kids by 2 or 3 different dads. My wife is 5 years older than me we been best friends since we were kids I know her older brother which is how I met her through him. We weren't even ready for kids but somehow it happened. For some reason she watches this show everyday I just don't get it at all. There was even a 13 year old girl at her school who got pregnant her daughter is now gonna be 10 this year. Why do so many teens get pregnant ?