Who is the most interesting person you have ever met?
I once met a guy who worked in the White House during the Johnson Administration. I set up security for The President overseas. Maybe it wasn't him so much as it was the things he had done.
I can't remember the guy's name but some time ago I was street vending a novelty item that I had invented myself -so this guy came along and started telling me about a thing he was trying to invent . It was supposed to bea device to be implanted into a person's body that would recycle everything so one would never have to eat, drink water again or even breathe air. He seemed serious enough but it sure sounded like science fiction. He gave me address where his office was located to visit him but I never went there.
A relative who was a Catholic nun. Whenever she saw a cause, she found a way to help. I couldn't begin to list all the challenges she took on. This included work with the homeless, with addicts and with runaway teens. She worked in Central America in very primitive and dangerous conditions. At the age of 70, she spend six months in federal prison for trespassing multiple times while protesting what she saw as the US providing training to terrorists.