Young ladies go to Finishing Schools or study abroad. They "come out" at Debutante Balls. They don't know the meaning of having to do without or worrying about tuition or future profession or education. Of course the recent scandals at elite schools where wealthy parents greased and eased the path their children took to be accepted is not the norm. Well perhaps it is and has been for many decades. SIGH. Moving on.....
Young gentlemen go to Prep School or study abroad. They don't "come out" as debutantes but they escort them and are very familiar with country clubs and tennis and golf and charities and traveling and socializing.
So here's the thing. If you were thrust into that milieu by being born into it whom would you be now having had a completely different list of experiences? Better or less good a person than you are?
Does knowing what it's like to want and not be able afford something good for you?