Some kids have not had baths since they crossed the border. There is STENCH from the filth in which they live. Some throw up,refuse to eat or drink. They were ORDERED to hospitalize four kids who were very ill and needed care.
Take a stroll at what your gubment is doing to give you what you want. Separate kids from parents. Neglect the kids. Deny them any ability to be clean. Leave them alone to take care of themselves. Deprive them of sufficient food, water, medical care, cleanliness. Show the world your dedication and support of the way your sb prez is attacking this problem. Benign NEGLECT. Indifference. Ignorance. Incurious callous coldness. Just the way you like it. Uh huh. Uh huh. Google it if you think I'm lying. He** y'all drive to rallies. Why not drive to the Texas border towns and see for yourself what's going on. It will warm your heart the way your sb prez tries so hard to please y'all. Whatcha got ta lose?