Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» I'm guessing that those who voted for the extremely stable genius sb prez knew exactly what they were getting. Did he meet/exceed?
He was a NOTORIOUS loser in New York Sharon. Womanizer. Bad businessman. Egocentric. Braggart. Shallow artificial phony baloney. Banks refused to loan him money since he stiffed everyone all the time. Only Deutsche Bank kept lending him money but there was criminal nd corrupt activity going on. That will all come out soon. He overstayed his welcome the day he was born and went downhill from there. Unless you lived in a cave and were deaf dumb blind they knew exactly the piece of crap he was and counted on that not to change. He was even crappier and worserer than any imagination could have invented. That's WHY they luv the guy. He is consistently crappy. They depend on that. So I think I'm right. You think you're right. It matters not because being right is not the issue here. Acknowledging what crap is is! Thank you for your reply.