Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» "Trump delays mass ICE sweep". "Trump rescinds Iran air strikes while planes are en route". What the he** is going on with him?
Some "talking head" was on the news the other day saying we never called off an airstrike before. I had to LOL. I guess they weren't around during the Cold War, when we did it all the time.
Seriously, though. I don't know if President Trump actually called off the airstrike because it would kill 150(?) Iranians, and he thought that was disproportionate retaliation. But I agree with that reasoning. Killing even 1 person is not proportional to shooting down an unmanned drone. I'd much rather see us hit them with a cyberattack, and take twice the cost of the drone from their bank account.
He was informed immediately long before he made a decision. Every meeting about such action would INCLUDE casualties count UPFRONT Walt. So he once again bullsh**ted folks. You are defending him. Rather like others do all the time. OK with me. You obviously see something there I don't. I think everything the sb prez does/sez is INDEFENSIBLE. Different strokes. Thank you for your reply! :)
If he even had the meeting, beforehand. There are rumors that he doesn't follow the normal process ... so he may not have had the meeting until after he made his decision.
He WAS INFORMED OF THE CASUALTY COUNT UPFRONT m2c. Every such meeting BEGINS WITH CASUALTY COUNT of the potential operation. Once again he bullsh**ted you and once again you bought it and are defending him. Thank you for your reply.