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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Deterrance. An eye for an eye? A thief has his hand CHOPPED OFF to deter others from stealing? How cruel should deterrence be??

Deterrance. An eye for an eye? A thief has his hand CHOPPED OFF to deter others from stealing? How cruel should deterrence be??

In May of  2018 then AG Jeff Sessions stated that children could be separated from their parents as a DETERRENCE. He was proud to announce his ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY. He smiled a BIGLY smile when he said ZERO TOLERANCE and DETERRENCE. Further John Kelly also said separation would be used as a deterrence. I don't think John Kelly ever smiled though. Do you?

Fast forward to now. Certainly if you are reasonably human you KNOW how that deterrence has been applied in Texas in the HE** HOLE where children were given no soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, baths, clean clothes or common decency. Their food was KOOLAID and frozen burritos.

Do you approve of CRUEL AND INHUMAN treatment of babies, infants, toddlers, little kids as a deterrent to other parents to stay the he** away from the cruel and inhuman USA? You do? Of course you do. All y'all who adore the sb prez adore his policies. His coughing and sneezing and wheezing and hiccupping too probably. Nothing from him offends you apparently. Congrats.

Posted - June 26, 2019
