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Do you get lots of mosquitoes where you live?

Posted - July 1, 2019


  • I'm on the water, next a marsh,  with woods behind me..  What do you think.?
      July 1, 2019 8:51 PM MDT

  • 44362
    Yikes. We have places like that around here. Mosquitoes bite me but they don't leave marks. My daughter gets large welts from them.
      July 1, 2019 8:56 PM MDT

  • Same, I used to get numbs as a kid but don't anymore.
      July 2, 2019 5:25 AM MDT

  • I wouldn't say lots, but we get some. I got several bites when I up to Lake Tahoe last week. 
      July 1, 2019 8:59 PM MDT

  • Next time, maybe one of these will help.

      July 1, 2019 9:13 PM MDT

  • 44362
    I went up to...
      July 2, 2019 3:40 PM MDT

  • Some, but it probably wouldn't qualify as a lot.
      July 1, 2019 9:10 PM MDT

  • 2836
    No...I don't get mosquitoes but I get gnats,horse & deer flies. We don't have standing water here on Jon's mountain This post was edited by Jon at July 2, 2019 3:41 PM MDT
      July 1, 2019 9:29 PM MDT

  • Deer flies are a good argument against biodiversity.
      July 2, 2019 9:33 AM MDT

  • 10502
    Yes!  Would you like some?

      July 1, 2019 10:16 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I don't get any. I have not been bit by one in decades.  They don't like the taste of me.  Maybe I have too much THC in my blood.  
      July 1, 2019 11:51 PM MDT
  • .

    We get our fair share. 
      July 2, 2019 4:49 AM MDT

  • 10130
    Mosquitoes are Minnesota's state bird.
      July 2, 2019 6:02 AM MDT

  • 10026
    That is a definite Giggle! :) :)
      July 2, 2019 3:40 PM MDT

  • 1893
    I would agree, dodging potholes is the favorite Spring Sport, and Road Construction is the second season in Minnesota after Winter
      July 3, 2019 9:15 AM MDT

  • 10026
    A fair amount. 
    I get bitten probably more than average because I'm out in the dirt and the sand a lot.  There is a plant that detours them.  I can't remember the name but I think it is in the gernium family and starts with a "c."
    I have two of them.  One inside and one outside.  They really aren't that ugly.  It's a natural way to try and keep the pests away. 
      July 2, 2019 3:43 PM MDT

  • 10651
    We don't and it might be because we have a lot of bats in the area. Cheers!
      July 2, 2019 4:23 PM MDT

  • 1893
    In the Wald we have few to none, now head to the Southern end of the Insel around Dusk or Dawn; you would feel like you are the Main Course for dinner.  Location Vienna, Insel on the Donau (Danube)
      July 3, 2019 9:17 AM MDT