IF the Bible is the WORD OF GOD which GOD? The angry jealous wrathful GOD folks fear or the loving merciful kind forgiving GOD?
Could that be the real division among people of the Christian ilk?
Old Testament Extreme Right-Wing Cons versus New Testament Left-Wing Libs?
Ever try to reconcile the two faces of GOD? Ever try to figger out why the vast difference? Why one is so dark and the other so light?
God has never changed. He is the same God now as He was back then.
When we read His Word (especially the Old Testament), we tend to gloss over His mercy and patience and concentrate on His punishments. We see Him as some cosmic bully with a magnifying glass and we’re the ants. In reality, He’s just the opposite. In fact, if you want a true picture of God, look to Jesus. Jesus is the EXACT representation of God.
As our creator, God has every right to demand that we love and obey Him. Yet instead, He allows us to choose whether we want to or not. However, He tells us what the consequences of our actions will be. We were told on day one that the punishment for sin is death (separation). Frankly, I’d hate to have a god who didn’t tell us straight out what the rules were; what pleased Him and what angered Him. If He never told us, we’d be walking on eggshells every minute of the day hoping he wouldn’t “zap us a bolt of lightning”.
God doesn’t want ANYONE to be lost – no one! Even though He knows that not everyone will choose to be saved from the punishment that our sins demand, He still avidly seeks to save everyone from that punishment. This is what the Old Testament shows us – God loves us so much that He made a way for us to be reconciled to Him. It also shows us that that sin will be punished (and it’s not pleasant). That’s why He founded a nation of people who would show people who He was (the Jewish people), but they failed. The nations turned to things that were an abomination before God. They practiced idolatry (worshiping the created instead of the creator), child sacrifice, prostitution, homosexuality, murder, and more. God had every right to punish those who did these things (and He still does). God finally sent His Son (“surely they will listen to My Son”). “God loved us so much that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” Yet even today, we still practice these same abominable actions (and more). God is very serious about sin, as, like any good parent, He loves us and wants what’s best for us. However, He cannot simply let sin “slide”. In His great mercy He allows us to live (in hopes that we will turn away from our sins and turn back to Him), but His patience will soon run out.
God isn’t bi-polar, nor does He change. When we read of what He did back then we should be grateful for His mercy now… not scoff at it.
Technically, I believe "he" would be a psychopath.
Traits of a Psychopath...
Charming: Most people like him.
No Remorse: Despite slaughtering entire populations, I don't believe any guilt over it was ever expressed.
Arrogance: Most religions call for worship and people are supposed to ask to be forgiven. In some cases, they have to ask for forgiveness for being born. Failure to do so results in eternal damnation.
Manipulation: There are probably more stories than this, but I'm somewhat familiar with the story of God telling Abraham to sacrifice his child as proof of his loyalty.
Failure to Accept Responsibility: Creating people and specifically giving them free will. Considering he's supposedly omnipotent, he should have known how people would use that free will. Instead, he punishes people who behave exactly how their creator designed them to. It's never god's faulty design. It's us.
So, that might explain it. Psychopaths are two-faced. When they can get something from you, be it padding their ego or resources, they're incredibly charming. When you're not of use, they're the darkest of the dark. Sometimes, people only see one face. Other times, they become conditioned to think that they deserve the poor treatment. One example of this is domestic abuse. People stay with their abusers believing that, if they were just better in some way, they wouldn't incur their abuser's wrath.