He is "known for his anti-immigration crusades that rounded up unauthorized workers, put them in tent jails, paraded them in emasculating pink underwear through the streets, and ultimately spent tax money on these political public performances in an electoral system where popularity is important and where size able numbers of conservative, anti-immigration citizen vote."
This has been going on for years and years. It is a Republican white state. I hate him and I hate the politics. I'm sure he loves Donald Trump. It is sickening. The only way he is getting out is when he croaks.
He won because he deserved it.
They sell girl scout cookies too :)
friend of Trumps?
In the Republican primary, Sheriff Arpaio ran against 3 others. He won by 66%. Seems to say that the Republicans at least agree with him.
And Marguerite, Republicans are NOT anti-immigration. We are for and support LEGAL immigration and the enforcement of the laws that are on the books! We are against illegal immigration, be it sneaking across the border or overstaying a visa. Many of us are legal immigrants, the children or grandchildren of legal immigrants and/or married to legal immigrants --- including the Republican candidate for President.
Hello M:
I can believe it.. There was a time in my life when I DIDN'T believe people like him existed. Then I grew up.