BEFORE TAX. Repetition, restatement, recapitulation, rerun, reoccurence, the same, did I already say that? is their motto. If you didn't get it the first time, allow me to show you another item for just the same price and quality!
I have never been approached for that, since the morons that work there don't even know what the have. I usually have my money ready when I get to the cashier...including the tax. Another one is the fine print for leasing a car... $3,699 due at signing for a 3 year lease. That's $100 more per month.
AND? It is the ONLY Dollar Store left I think that has this claim and its actually true. All the other stores charge more than a dollar and Family Dollar charges even more than a lot of other stores. WHAT GALL.
TEN TIMES THE VOLUME!!!!!! You are a scientist-type thinker. Consider this. One has only so many HAIRS on the rim of the eyelid. Therefore you cannot QUADRUPLE the volume or make the lashes 10 times longer. You can glob on more coats and make it look a bit thicker but in the end, it looks like mascara. No one is fooled. And they keep IMPROVING this stuff and changing the brush style for the last 50 years at least and it is exactly the SAME crap.
Like nylons and panty hose. They still run. But I am digressing since I don't have an ad for them.
OH TRUST ME. They NEVER spell it wrong. This was to be CUTESY. They laud and applaud how much volume you will get from this brush and this glob of the same crap that they have been making since the 50's.
I guess the mascara people are trying to compete with this from the "fake" eyelash people:
Are you ready to go thicker, fuller and even more dramatic? Are you ready to take your business to the totally next level? MEGA Volume Lashes are the newest craze! Now you can add even more volume, drama, fluffiness and shape than ever before with the use of our 10D Mega Volume Fans that are made of the thinnest (0.03 mm) volume extension available to create stunning sets that turn heads.
L'Oreal: Because you're worth it. Worth what? The $8 worth of make-up to put on my face to hide my insecurities? I could use that $8 on something else that would show my confidence. Apple: Think Different. Different than what? IBM? My little sister? My Dog? I think trying to figure out your machine is already taxing my brain.
Think DIFFERENTLY. Like think about correct grammar. I'm going with Randy on this one. THAT IS AN AD? Well when you have BE BEST coming from the top House in the land, what do you expect.
I was going to correct the fact that "ly" had something to do with that statement. Having no insecurities about being wrong to 99% of all the people in the land but one HUGE insecurity about being wrong in front of Randy, I do. I didn't have the balls to put it up so I curved my answer to fit another angle.
This post was edited by Merlin at August 22, 2021 11:00 PM MDT
Different is an adjective (and modifies a noun); differently is an adverb (which modifies the verb "think").
Think Different----Imperative mood; think a different (thing); the (thing) being understood to be the object of the sentence just as "You" is considered the subject of that sentence.
Think differently---Also imperative mood, with "you" as the subject, and telling you HOW to think, i.e., differently.
Moral---proper but ambiguous grammar is not an effective advertising strategy.