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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Methinks he DOTH PROTEST TOO MUCH! The Kakistocratic teleprompter sb prez secretly LUSTS AFTER WOMEN OF COLOR. Why else focus on them?

Methinks he DOTH PROTEST TOO MUCH! The Kakistocratic teleprompter sb prez secretly LUSTS AFTER WOMEN OF COLOR. Why else focus on them?

He has a THING for Maxine Waters for sure. He still keeps attacking 4 women of color in Congress. He probably lusts after Michelle Obama too but wel he** does he dare say so? His WHITE  NATIONLIST RACIST supporters would crucify him if they knew. They'd tar and feather him probably too so that is WHY he has to try to divert attantion on his secret passions.

Same thing with those LGBTQ haters who are found out that they are one of them. It's pretense meant to throw folks off but only calls attention to the obsession. Poor homo sap. He doesn't know this undying attention to them calls attention to him. Whether it be women of color or same-sex desires. We see them and hear them and wonder why they don't know they are outing themselves?

Posted - July 15, 2019
