Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » This is why I hate conservatives. a Big FU to all Y'alll. The moment you start defending me and people like me, You WILL get respect

This is why I hate conservatives. a Big FU to all Y'alll. The moment you start defending me and people like me, You WILL get respect

A man cut off his gay son’s earlobe to mark him as an ‘abomination’

"The worst thing is they didn’t take me to hospital or give me medication. They just locked me inside a room as I tried to stop the bleeding."
Photo: Modou/via GSN

A 19-year-old gay man said that he is scared for his life if he is forced to go back to his home country after his father cut off his earlobe.

The teen, who has only been identified as “Modou” in the media, is from The Gambia and is trying to get asylum in the The Netherlands.

He told Gay Star News that he never planned to come out to his family.

“I was so afraid to tell my family about my sexuality,” he said.

But when he was 15-years-old, he was caught with another boy. The other boy was scared, so he said that Modou assaulted him.

“I couldn’t lie,” Modou said, explaining why he chose to come out to his family then.

“I thought, maybe, my family will accept me because I am their family. This is who I am.”

“That was the biggest mistake I ever made.”


Posted - July 16, 2019


  • 4624
    This is a thing I have never properly understood - the human capacity for cruelty.

    I get the theory - that those who have been victimised
    (the excuse being the rod as recommended in the Old Testament)
    in their turn become the persecutors and perpetrators of the next generation -
    sending the traumas on down through the centuries.

    I also get it that in ancient times, when life was brief and brutal,
    there was a need to have lots of pregnancies
    to ensure enough babies lived to adulthood
    to obey the patriarch's call to war (Abraham et al.)
    so the nomadic tribes could have plenty of grass for their flocks.
    Clearly, the early fathers worried desperately about every sperm that didn't conceive a life.

    But now we live on an overpopulated planet at risk of dying from our greed and carelessness.
    Our ethics need to change on every level to be mindful of that reality.

    I can understand objections to any act that causes psychological or physical harm to oneself or another.

    But in my view, gay love between consenting adults (or peers) causes no harm to anyone -
    and love causes nothing but good.

    This post was edited by inky at July 16, 2019 2:09 PM MDT
      July 16, 2019 1:44 PM MDT

  • 2836
    Thank you
    Thank you
    Thank you

    I cannot understand how parents especially can treat their own children this way. They would not treat an animal that way.
    My tolerance for intoilerance is non existant at this point.
    I have just about Heard and seen it all
    Parents killing their children or throwing them out into the street to fend for themselves.
    I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but I get so angry when I hear of things like this. 
    Just recently I saw where a young Gay boy was being deported back to Iran where he will most likely be killed, murdered actually for the plane simple fact that he is gay. 
    Last year, the migration board in Sweden said there there wasn’t enough evidence that he is gay and Christian so he has to go back to Iran.

    I see a backward trenhd here.  The US has gone after Abortion and is close to making it illegal. Next is Homosexuality and Marriage equality This post was edited by Jon at July 16, 2019 2:31 PM MDT
      July 16, 2019 2:05 PM MDT

  • 4624
    The Swedish case particularly appals and alarms me because the Scandinavian countries have had a reputation for open-mindedness and acceptance - and they have accepted a large number of asylum seekers from the Middle East and Africa in recent decades.
    A Danish acquaintance told me things have been changing there - people starting to react to the sudden influx of foreigners, feeling threatened by the strange new cultures, beliefs and customs. And the politics have also drifted right, starting to unpick the long traditions of social safety nets funded by taxes.

    I would have thought it would be pretty easy to prove gay orientation via a test with a psychologist - or several if bureaucrats insist on professional consensus.

    The general trend towards conservatism is alarming on many levels.
    Our generation fought so hard for gay rights, feminism, the right to abortion, against the bomb and racism -
    and now it seems as if all that progress is starting to unravel.
    I feel so tired and grief-struck.

    But I think there are lessons we can learn about how to be better activists.
    I believe we need to take care to attack the harmful ideas - not the people who hold them.
    We need to bring hard facts and research (of which there is plenty) to demonstrate the magnitude of harms caused by antiquated Biblical ethics.
    We need to show exactly how well tolerance works in the cultures where it is the dominant way of life,
    how beneficial it is for individuals, relationships, families, work and society.
    We also need to show intimate portraits of the lives of people affected by these issues - in film, literature - all forms of the arts.
    When the issues are up close and personal, people can often understand more clearly.
    We could start by reviving some of the old films, for instance, The Set (1970), the first Australian film with homosexuality as a central theme, a homophobic father finds reconciliation and friendship with his gay son - had a major effect at the time in helping to educate public values.

    Anger is a great motivating force when it's used for positive change.

    This post was edited by inky at July 16, 2019 2:55 PM MDT
      July 16, 2019 2:43 PM MDT

  • 2836
    "Anger is a great motivating force when it's used for positive change."

    Absolutely!  I am Angry as hell about this all.
    I am at the age where a good portion of peer group died of AIDS.
    An epidemic that could have been recognized and adressed in a more timely manner had not the "Great Deceiver", Ronald Reagan chosen this to save lives. 
    Reagon and his minions in the "Moral Majority" and Christian right were to busy hijacking the GOP and turning it into the party of God.
    I firmly believe Conservatism chose to turn a blind eye to the AIDS epidemic because they were praying that disease was brought by God to eradicate homosexuals. I seriously do believe that. '

    This is yet another reason why I do not trust conservatives/republicans. I see their potential to implement WWII ere German Society engineering. I  believe that once Trumps concentration camps are expanded, we will see more than Immigrants in them. We will see Political prisoners and homosexuals housed there as well.

    My paranoia tends to be based on fact and gut feeling and a strong knowledge of historical facts.  

    I swear to this. I see this happening daily in increments.  I believe this with all my heart... This post was edited by Jon at July 16, 2019 3:30 PM MDT
      July 16, 2019 2:53 PM MDT

  • 4624
    Unfortunately, I fear that you may be right.
    I've been having similar thoughts watching Australian and international news on TV.

    The atmosphere seems historically similar to pre-WWII in Germany.
    I think we are in an economic down-turn which the pollies are refusing to admit -
    low wages growth vastly outstripped by increased cost of living.
    The statistics don't look the same, but the rapid increase in poverty is -
    and that makes people desperate.
    It makes them long for a parental authority to save them -
    and the authority figure is somehow thought to be the demagogic patriarchal conservative -
    which, of course, only makes things worse.
    It's a failure in fiscal and economic theory - but one they keep retreating to despite ample evidence to the contrary.
    Perhaps it boils down to belief - an unwillingness to see reality as it is.
    It scares me.
    The world is about to die of global warming and,
    like Nero as Rome burned,
    the tyrants twiddle their thumbs.

    If only they knew how much nicer their thumbs could feel in other places.

    This post was edited by inky at July 16, 2019 3:50 PM MDT
      July 16, 2019 3:36 PM MDT

  • 17640

    If you want to hate all conservatives because of what one supposed conservative allegedly did, you have bigger problems than being gay.  Get a grip, and some perspective.
      July 16, 2019 4:13 PM MDT