Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Someone just said on TV that "Washington D.C. is the porkiest swampiest place in the US"! Agree/dis? If not what is?
I fail to see what you assert. The racist prig is talking about their ancestral countries. The racist prig is not talking about America. He sees these AMERICAN CITIZENS as foreigners simply because they are not pasty white as he is. Gubment has been and is now under the control of the racist prig and his toady sycophants ever since January 2017 and it is the most corrupt evil venal vile porky pig greedy criminal treasonous it has ever been and he continues to make it ever more corrupt and viler and porky. Thank your reply Walt.
This post was edited by RosieG at July 19, 2019 2:34 AM MDT