A riot in every city in every RED STATE in the United States of America SIMULTANEOUSLY! Then he will count the deaths and take a victory lap around Mar a Lago in a golf cart.
I bet you think I'm joking What do you think his goal is for having constant "rallies" and jinning things up by his inflammatory DANGEROUSrhetoric? He knows what pushes your buttons. He knows y'all love to chant and stomp and yell and shout and cheer. He's got your number and plays you perfectly every time.
The goal of which is what? Sameoldsameold? Or something bigger and better?
Riots in every city in every red state in America coordinating to begin simultaneously.
He will blame it on Democrats and use it as an excuse to call out the military, national guard, military school kids. All hands on deck. We are in crisis. Entirely the fault of Dems. Take them out!