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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » When you adore someone you role model him/her. Ya wanna be just like him/her. Congrats to Kevin McCarthy. AWESOME LIAR. Why?

When you adore someone you role model him/her. Ya wanna be just like him/her. Congrats to Kevin McCarthy. AWESOME LIAR. Why?

Kevin McCarthy...House of Representatives MINORITY racist prig's party leader..LIED 8 TIMES when he talked about the racist prig's racist comments about the 4 Congresswomen of color whom he ATTACKED.  Little Kevin McM LIED EIGHT TIMES! The mini him is just as jacka**y and queer as the racist prig is to think anyone will buy the lie except of course those who adore liars. Good job Kevin! Keep lying like that and you will go far in politics. The racist prig might give you a biglier job. I mean he admires LIARS for obvious reasons. Tsk tsk tsk. This is the BEST the racist prig's party has to offer? Progress. Ain't she purty?

Posted - July 19, 2019


  • 34880
    Got a link or quote of what he supposed to have said?
      July 19, 2019 6:13 AM MDT