Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Does racism end in the bedroom? I wonder if the trump ever "dallied with" women of color or were all his bedmates lilywhite?

Does racism end in the bedroom? I wonder if the trump ever "dallied with" women of color or were all his bedmates lilywhite?

When it comes to sex are racists colorblind? Would they mind "doing it" with a gorgeous female of color?
Would all you prodons think less of him if he "got it on" once upon  a time with someone like Halle Berry or Shari Belafonte?  Would YOU set aside your racism for sex? Where is the line you would not cross?

Is the bed the GREAT EQUALIZER?

Posted - July 22, 2019


  • 6023
    I always thought that was funny.
    White racists believe blacks are (basically) animals.  Right?
    So if a white racist is "into" black women, that would mean (in their world) he is into bestiality.

      July 22, 2019 8:15 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Just like those ferociously anti LGBTQ pols who turn out to be a member of the LGBTQ community...and we have experienced more than one of them. They say horrific things so folks will think THEY would never do "THAT"! And those "family first" SOB's who have pregnant mistresses on the side? What a crock. "Methinks thou protesth too much" is what I always think when one of those homo saps gets attention. So when you hear someone vilify any particular group you KNOW WHY. They want to throw you off track so you won't think they are one of them. So those racists guys talk big in public but in private? I dunno. Gorgeous comes in all colors as does handsome. Always has and always will. Two-faced hypocrites will always be with us. The problem comes when two-faced hypocrites have POWER. Sigh. Thank you for your reply Walt and Happy Tuesday. Hope it's cooler where you are than where we are! AARRGGHH! :(
      July 23, 2019 2:21 AM MDT