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Do You Make Jokes About Dead Gorillas? If So, You're a Racist

This article reads like something from the Onion.  This can't be real...but it does bear a strange resemblance to the kind of tyrannical crap we see oozing from college campuses these days.  You know, those bastions of full-flower 'progressivism (a/k/a cultural devolution and dissolution)'?

UMass RA's rail against 'crude' Harambe references

Over the Labor Day weekend, Resident Assistants at the University of Massachusetts purportedly released an announcement stating that “crude” references to the deceased gorilla Harambe will be considered racist attacks against African Americans.

In the statement, which was leaked to Twitter Monday, Resident Assistants calling themselves Ryan and Colleen inform students that “any negative remarks regarding ‘Harambe’ will be seen as a direct attack to our campus’s African-American community,” and warn them to “be careful of what gets written on your whiteboards, as well as what you write on them.”

Posted - September 6, 2016


  • 2758

    I call it diffusion psychosis.  If one lives in an environment which insulates itself from normal, cause/effect reality for long enough, one will loses contact with reality.  That's what happens in academic, bureaucratic and social cloisters.

      September 7, 2016 4:51 AM MDT

  • 180

      September 7, 2016 1:03 PM MDT

  • 180

    No. I don't think there is anything remotely funny about what happened to Harambe, OR dead animals in general. While I may think colleges and students get carried away with with terms like  "micro-aggressions", it is undeniable that comparing black people to apes is a commonly used slur against them. 

      September 7, 2016 1:35 PM MDT

  • 2758

    A voice of reason. How refreshing!

      September 7, 2016 1:52 PM MDT

  • 3719
    Sometimes I wonder who is oppressing whom. Is the "oppressive majority" to which you (Transquesta) refer, turning in on itself?

    Some of the most virulent attacks on racism or other unpleasant "isms" I have seen or heard have come not from the supposedly oppressed minority, but from small cliques within the majority trying to claim a spurious moral high ground above their fellows by pretending to speak for that minority. 

    Sometimes it can descend to depths of puerility that merely insult the majority and patronise the minority. 

    The end result risks being an extremely insecure, humourless and prissy society, far more likely to become beset with real "....ism" problems than one in which the insults are returned not with heavy-going, self-righteous legal action, Governmental commissions, specific laws against so-called "hate-crimes" and the like; but with robust scorn, satire and laughter that shows the ".......ists" for the silly, desperately insecure little bullies they really are, but backed by generic laws for cases of actual assaults on people or wilful damage to their property. 

      October 21, 2016 9:53 AM MDT