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Thank God and Praise Jesus Christ for Texas! Blessings for prioritizing and saving fast food from persecution

I've catagorize this under "Humour and Jokes" because it is more fitting here rather than in the 'News' section.

Let us ALL give Texass a great big round of applause and congratulate them for snatching the title of  "AMERICA'S LAUGHING STOCK" away from  Florida!


Ladies and Gentlemen, and now for your viewing pleasure,  Texass Governor Greg Abbot signing the 'Save Chik-Fil-A Bill'!: 

Posted - July 23, 2019


  • 33810
    No business should be discriminated against by the government.

    Customers should make their decisions with their wallets. 
      July 23, 2019 9:29 AM MDT

  • 2836

    So much for Small government 
      July 23, 2019 10:08 AM MDT

  • Obviously gawd hates chikins. How can we get the Westboro Baptist Church to protest Foster Farms?! 
      July 23, 2019 9:34 AM MDT

  • 2836
    Thank God for Dead Chickens
      July 23, 2019 10:12 AM MDT