"Cesar Sayoc the MAGA bomber who mailed explosives to trump critics turned violent on a steady diet of Fox News, Trump Tweets, Facebook per his lawyer."
So the trump is a huge success. That is the point of all of this bullsh** CRAP the trump tweets daily. You don't think he is doing it for the halibut do ya? Or for his health? Of course not . His goal is to radicalize every weak-minded person. If you didn't know that you are more than a few cards short of a full deck.
The more the trump racists his guts out...the more FAUX news pumps it up by the copycat same refrain..the more FB thugs hoodlums foreign agents taint FB with phony phokes it's gonna keep on keeping on. That is what the trump has always wanted. He did it he got it they are his to do with as he wishes.
Hold on tight . It's gonna get bumpy. Little donny trumpy is real excited about what he has done and more excited about what's to come. Watch this space. You ain't seen NUTHIN' Yet. That I can tell you. Everyone says so.