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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are you a MAJORITY OF ONE? Do you stand up and speak up and deliver your truth no matter who agrees/disagrees with you? Shouldn't you?

Are you a MAJORITY OF ONE? Do you stand up and speak up and deliver your truth no matter who agrees/disagrees with you? Shouldn't you?

Do you wait for a consensus before you open your yaptrap to make sure you won't be in the minority?

What the he** good is that? I dunno. It's getting so weird out there. Nancy Pelosi insisting on having the Senate educated enough to entertain a bill about Article of Impeachment. With Moscow Mitch in charge that will never happen. So she sits on her hands and demands others obey her view? Sheesh. What a wuss.

Posted - July 28, 2019


  • 34875
    Nancy is smart enough to know impeachment while making the base happy will deliver a re-election victory for President Trump.  (You made me defend Pelosi....I must go wash my mouth out with
      July 28, 2019 6:10 AM MDT

  • 113301
    ((hugs)) Apologies m'dear. I would NEVER want you to do something against your religion! AARRGGHH! Mea culpa. I am deadly serious though m2c. I think you know me very well by now. I would insist on standing up and being counted. You know darn well Moscow Mitch wouldn't let it get on the floor of the Senate for debate so there is no way it would have teeth. It would however show the resolve of the Dems and as I see it there is no resolve in her. I am very disappointed. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday to thee!  :)
      July 28, 2019 6:22 AM MDT

  • 34875
    Pelosi and Mitch have nothing to to with by religion. 

    Just carrying out the impeachment hearings would do the damage to the Dems. It would galvanize Republicans to vote for Trump. And alienate those indepents who say move on causing them to stay home or vote for Trump.
    The only hope they have is for the bottom to drop out of the economy before the election.
      July 28, 2019 7:33 AM MDT

  • And you can bet your last dollar that they'll do everything possible to undermine or destroy any progress that's been made without their help. It's the nature of the beast. 
      July 28, 2019 7:39 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I use religion loosely here and you know it. Religion meaning deeply held beliefs having nothing at all to do with God. Why play dumb with  me m2c? I know you're smarter than that. Have you ever looked up the word? In my dictionary under the sixth definition it says

    "Something one believes in and follows devotedly. A POINT OR MATTER OF ETHICS OR CONSCIENCE. For example "To make a religion out of fighting prejudice" That is the way in which I used "religion".  If you really didn't know now you do. So futurely you won't be confused by my meaning..
      July 28, 2019 8:18 AM MDT

  • This week, after her little session with AOC to get her marching orders, Pelosi came out to a press conference to tell us what a friend of the family and the the working class she happens to be. Nobody outside that room of fawning "journalists" bought into that sewage leak. She can't even maintain a grip on her own party, much less produce anything worthwhile.
      July 28, 2019 7:48 AM MDT