The Rat sez he thought Russia was actually helping Hillary Clinton!
Yep he did. No wonder the trump cabal et al LOVE him.
So another dumbhead idiot head of something we sorely lack in gubment! INTELLIGENCE.
It would be hilarious if it weren't so tragic.
I can just see it now. All our intelligence agency employees will be tracking Democrats. They are the real threat correct? Forget hostile foreign powers They are our pals and would never harm us. It's dem Dems you gotta watch out for. SIGH.
I know y'all totally agree with that don'tcha? No worries about Iran or China or Russia or North Korea or anyone. It's dem Dems dem Dems dem darn Dems dem Dems dem Dems dem darn Dems dem Dems dem Dems dem darn Dems now hear the words of the Lord!