Definitely not me, but not just because I am not an American anyway.
I do not and would not dream of using Facebook, for a start. For anything. Nor Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp. or LinkedIn. This and Similar Worlds, plus two or three special-interest sites, yes, but these differ significantly in purpose, business-methods and level of invasion, from Facebook.
More importantly, I would NOT allow my election decisions to be swayed by spurious posts and the ovine brains of so-called "influencers" on any "social media" site. I read proper reports, I listen to news and current-affairs programmes including direct interviews with these people and analysis by external political reviewers; to decide by what the candidates and politicians themselves say and do, and by their Party's performance so far in Government or Opposition as the case may be.
As for Twitter, I have no time for politicians using it as a cheap escape from communicating their ideas, policies and plans in a proper and (if you are lucky) analytical way.