Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Freddy trump the chump's daddy dearest was SERVED AN ARREST WARRANT IN BALTIMORE FOR BEING A SLUMLOARD! DO YOU KNOW? TRUE OR FAUX?
I know and you know and lotsa other people know. The problem is everyone is not as appalled or incensed or disgusted or infuriated or enraged by it! So the chump family is made up of racist bigots from the git go? So? They know they just don't give a sh**! They are either racist bigots too or racist bigot lovers which is the same thing. They are not horrified at all. They respond "no one is perfect" or "we elected a man not a saint". How do you reply to such stoopid dumb without losing it Sharon?. I can't so I don'. I just say "oh isn't that interesting?". OR I say "of course you do". Then I thank them and move on. REPEATEDLY! Thank you for your reply Sharo.