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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If you are white you cannot be a terrorist? Only people of color can be called that? So the word TERRORIST is color-coded then?

If you are white you cannot be a terrorist? Only people of color can be called that? So the word TERRORIST is color-coded then?

Not possible  for a domestic terrorist to be WHITE. Whatever white murderers do they must never be referred to as terrorists. I see. It makes no sense to me but nothing about chump the cabal or et al that does. What about SCARY PERSON? White Nationalist Racist Slaughterer Massacrer Murderer SCARY PERSON? Is that allowed? Hard to keep up with the brilliance and erudition of the chump cabal et al. They are so far above all of us intellectually morally spiritually emotionally we cannot hold a candle to them. Sure.

Posted - August 4, 2019


  • 10750
    Anyone can be a terrorist.  We just don't classify the actions of whites as terrorism.  If a white person and a person of color committed the same "act", we would be far more likely to label the act of the person of color as terrorism than we would the white person.  
    Interestingly, more domestic acts of terror are committed by whites than by people of color.
      August 4, 2019 10:10 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Why is that exactly Shuhak? More bullsh** crap by racists? I have to invent a word to cover this. None exist that suit me at the moment. Thank you for your reply. Humiliating to be always in the news for this same thing isn't it? Thank you for your thoughtful reply.
      August 4, 2019 10:19 AM MDT

  • 3719
    I don't how you Americans see or define terrorism but as a Briton I can assure you white people can carry out terrorist acts, and be labelled terrorists.

    Remember the 1970s?
      August 4, 2019 2:31 PM MDT

  • 113301
    In the chump version of America only people of color are referred to as terrorists. His precious beloved White Nationalist Racist supporters do more murdering than people of color but the chump will never admit it. For him white is always right no matter what. He is not the sharpest knife in the drawer Durdle and his deck is short more than a few cards. He is beloved by those who think GOD sent him. I'm pretty sure GOD isn't flattered by that though of course HE has never confided in me. That is just my opinion. Thank you for your reply! :)
      August 5, 2019 4:37 AM MDT

  • 3719
    Yes, I'd gathered that, but all he does is make the situation worse and he seems totally unable to grasp what his happening in the America he once wanted to become "Great Again".

    I know he won the election on a fluke of the electoral system. I also know though he did genuinely have a lot of support, at least in former industrial areas he'd promised to revitalise. Has he succeeded in keeping those promises to any extent? I have heard conflicting reports on that. 

    More to the point, does he still have much of that support? If he had managed to stave off any more closures and redundancies it would be only natural for the workers affected still to support him whatever he does elsewhere. They might be as shocked as anyone at this never-ending blood-shed; but prefer not to think about that if the Government that does nothing to solve that problem, does do something to solve their own. 

    They may also have strong but over-romantic "traditional" or "family" allegiances to their chosen Party. This was long the case in Britain especially in the industrial regions, whose Labour Party was established and is still supported by the trade-unions, giving them a voice in Parliament. Both theirs and the nominally-opposite views of Conservative Party supporters naturally encourage a simplistic "grandfather and great-grandfather and .. always voted X" ethos. It means that supporters are often blind to the abilities or otherwise of their favoured party when it is in Government. Does this sort of powerful Party above leader, loyalty happen in the USA?
      August 5, 2019 8:37 AM MDT

  • 3719
    I hear Mr. Trump has condemned the murders, though he's still desperately naïve about them. Or doesn't want to know.  

    Barak Obama spoke out against the crimes too, while diplomatically not naming the present President.
      August 6, 2019 1:28 AM MDT