He was sober and somber and read the right words someone else created for him to say. He did not go off script He did not take any questions. He read and fled. How many times has he done that before and then reversed himself to suck up to his WHITE NATIONALIST RACIST base so they would not abandon him? Which people of color will he attack in HATE next at the hate-filled rallies? Or does he really mean hate has no place in our country and will stop his hatespeech rallies and speeches? Was this just another temporary short-term stopgap hot air blowhard windbag speaking all of which really mean nothing? I guess we'll see what happens. Everyone says so. That I can tell you.
The first thing I thought of when you said "read and fled" was when he was interviewed and fled George Stephanopolous asking him where he stood on some important issue he was waffling about and he jumped out of the car and ran like a scalded dog.
Then he did the same thing to some British reporter (after insulting the guy for taking a different stand on what he was saying) abruptly got up and reminded him of this "important meeting" he needed to get to and ran out of the room.
This guy cannot even make a graceful exit without looking like a petty thief hoping no one will look in his pockets before he escapes with your wallet.
I feel like I have drank and eaten so much TRUMP in the last two years that I am slowly dying of TOXIC THOUGHT.
It will start with If NANCY PEOLOSI (BLAME)
If the Democrats (Blame)
That is his nauseating re-do of his lying speechifying that will start with either or all of those three categories. He cannot call the Mexicans rapists in this rant. He already did that and this is why we have dead people.
He is going to TRY AND COVER THAT ONE? What does he need? Someone who just killed a child shouting into the FAKE NEWS Cameras "ITS ALL FOR YOU DONALD ALL FOR YOU>"
Like the devil worshippers did in THE OMEN.
The part about the child scared me because I had to think if something as horrible as that happened would it be enough to open everybody's eyes. Or would it just be dismissed as fake staged news aimed at destroying everybody's favorite president (that really gets me when he claims that). Cheers!