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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » WHAT? White Nationalist RACISTS think they are patriots? They're DELUSIONAL. They're the fancy version of the KKK. Whaddya say?.

WHAT? White Nationalist RACISTS think they are patriots? They're DELUSIONAL. They're the fancy version of the KKK. Whaddya say?.

Posted - August 6, 2019


  • 2706
    What do I say? I say that I strongly disagree with your analogy of this subject. Some tend to mistakenly interchange the terms "nationalist" with "supremacist" which more often than not causes problems where none should exist. A nationalist is at heart merely someone who strongly believes in the interest of one’s own nation, however, “nation” might be defined. President Trump is a “nationalist,” as are most liberals, populists, and everyone to the right and left. On the other hand, a “supremacist” believes a particular race (or sex, or other genetic or cultural characteristic) is naturally superior to others. 

      Because you must know what the characteristic is that is believed to be “supreme,” an adjective has to be attached. Thus there are “white supremacists,” “Muslim supremacists,” “male supremacists” "female supremacist" etc. Racial and cultural groups can also have their own internal divisions, as in Sunnis who believe themselves “supreme” in relation to Shiites, and vice versa. As a side note, isn't calling someone a White Nationalist Racist in and of itself a racist remark? :)
      August 6, 2019 10:07 PM MDT