No matter where he is or what happened or didn't the dumbunnyjacka** "prez" always plays the victim. He always makes everything about him. His adoring worshippers think he is justified in doing just that since to them HE IS THEIR EVERYTHING. Forget about the massacres or the dead or the surviving family members and heir relentless GRIEF. Focus on chump and how he is treated and what people say about him? Are they respectful and properly loving? Do they bow down scrape down roll over whenever his name is spoken ignoring whatever else is going on since nothing will ever be as important as the dumbunnyjacka** "prez"? That's the key to his happiness you see. Complete and 100% devotion and attention must always be paid to the dumbunnyjacka** "prez". He deserves it. Nothing else and no one else can hold a candle to his eminence omnipotence irridescent importance including YOU. Get over it. Accept it. Y'all who voted for him made it to be this way. You got what you wanted so what's all the bit**ing about NOW? Why are you never satisfied? He controls everything. What more do you want?