My long-time terrific primary care physician and I SHARE IDENTICAL VIEWS ABOUT the chump. We never before talked politics in all the years he has been my main doc guy. Today during a regular annual visit my blood pressure was higher than normal. I told him I'm angry as he** every day and I belong to an internet social site where we chat about things of concern day to day. Mostly about the dumbunnyjacka** "prez" and his cabal et al. And WE WERE OFF AND RUNNING! We spent at least 20 minutes exchanging horror stories about the dumbunnyjacka** "prez". First of all my doc ain't white. He is Asian. I'm not white. I'm of Armenian descent. So it stands to reason we are the unclean to chump..the invaders..the infestation. Who knew? Anyway we had a jolly good time just VENTING! I had no idea how intensely he despises the chump. He has a hard time trying to explain how such a VILE homo sap could have been elected "prez" to his young children. It infuriates him in fact! Who knew? Now I do. I think there are many still waters that churn with intense emotions about the despicable deplorable vermin we have in control of our gubment. I am not alone. That is very good to know. A stroll through the Twilight Zone.