I would THINK that people who have this much POWER over law could manage to find a PURPOSE besides endangering the very people who keep them in business.
They are stupid and shooting themselves in the foot and heart and brain. Because? They have no soul and no mind. No unification. NONE. Just like America with Trump at the helm.
The high level of stupidity that rules the NRA and its supporters beats me. None of it is logical or sane or sensible or reasonable. None of them are intelligent or articulate or convincing. Stupid dumb rules in the NRA and in our hapless whinyass spineless gubment. The dumbunnyjacka** "prez" sez the NRA will be consulted with regard to gun violence/gun safety issues. Invite the fox to comment on henhouse security. How much stupid dumber can one be than that? I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
I can't comment on the notion that NRA endorses violence, but my guess is that's been allowed too much say over the country's politics for too long, and does not want to lose that ill-gotten power.
I do know you hate your present pres., and I too believe he's too spineless or vote-grubbing to stand up to the NRA; but I think the NRA's been building up its power for a long time irrespective of which party and person has been in charge.
What you are seeing though, is the rise in power of a second force; a nasty, hard-right extremism. It's mirrored in other countries too, and German politicians for example have been intimidated by some of these types, including by death-threats and having their cars set on fire. Turkey's and Russia's equivalent is the Government adopting the model.
The extremists are often referred to as neo-Nazis but that's not always true. A few do style themselves on National Socialist ideology, but most are more generally just hard-line nationalist and racist.
' One big difference is ultimate political aim and ability.
The Nazi Party's intention was to run the country, and those they seized, as they saw fit. Like their Fascist Party allies in Italy, they took power by skilled, meticulous planning followed by ruthless manipulation and control. Like the Fascists, the Nazi government did administer their nation's day-to-day needs and services, apparently efficiently; although ruthlessly. (The Fascists are sometimes sneered at for improving the Italian Railways. More importantly they are said to have nearly succeeded in smashing the Mafia, but failed because the US Government of the time would not help by moving against the Mafia gangs in the States.)
The right-wing extremist groups we see now in the USA and Europe may or not be anarchist; but fortunately for the rest of us, they appear to have no real governmental ambitions for themselves, and certainly show no ability to form any sort of functional administration.
The one thing most of them are NOT, is "mentally ill" despite Trump's sneer. They hold very twisted views but I think most are very devious, cunning people with a fixed view of a world they know little about, and the more criticised they are the more "right" they see themselves. Basically they are just bigots, but bigotry is not a clinical illness.
Trump's comments about illness eerily echo both the USSR at its worst, and Nazi Germany. The Communists did recognise mental illness, but found it a convenient excuse to describe its "enemies of the State". The Nazis regarded the mental ill as "defective" or "degenerate", and therefore to be killed.
Those groups you see now in the States might be influenced by the 'America First' group that came and went in the 1930s-40, not the Nazi Party. That's not helped by Donald Trump using the name as his slogan, but I have no idea if he even knew that history.
Whether the NRA has any official links to them is another matter. Probably not, or at least we must maintain the presumption of innocence until proven otherwise. There may well be NRA members who also belong to one or another of these loose extremist circles. However the NRA is either duplicitous or cowardly in not really condemning the political and non-political mass-murders and gun violence afflicting your country.
As for background checks before being allowed to buy a gun, yes, it's a small step in the right direction but it's not possible to prove a negative! If someone is really determined to commit murder, either for his own ends or in pursuit of some half-baked political idea, if he has never previously been in trouble and shows no sign of "mental illness", it won't stop him buying a gun and only ever using it on a genuine sports range for a year or so before "suddenly" turning bad. The only real control is not only to make it very difficult to buy guns anyway, with licences issued by the Police; but much further, for society itself to turn against guns.
Countries like Britain have relatively very few guns in circulation, but it's not just thanks to legal controls and occasional amnesties that sweep up war-souvenirs and old sports weapons. Nor is just because you can't walk into Walmart-owned Asda and buy a rifle. It's very much also because most people tolerate genuine, very carefully-controlled sports and farming shooting or antique collections; but otherwise just do not want them around! X